Platformer Progress Report

Yarr... Thar be Pirates

Well, sort of. More like stick figures. But hey! It's progress, right?

I knew April's project would be a big one. For month #4 of my 2024 challenge I'm prompted to make a platformer!

The whole thing will be pirate-themed! I'm thinking 5-6ish total levels (depending on how you're counting), and I have the story and dialog  and all the level ideas all worked out for it. As usual I got in over my head, especially in the art department. But that's okay, I could use the practice and it'll be a learning experience. 

I've got the basic world and character collisions working, but they may still need a few tweaks here and there. I had to hit up the maintainers of Panda3D for some assistance, but they've been very kind in tolerating my lines of questioning. Much respect to them.

Included is a link to a (VERY) basic demo of what I've got working so far. I revamped the menu system a bit to support some configurable options, and I'm still using lots of placeholder graphics to get the gameplay and feel dialed in before jumping into the art.

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